I now spend alot of time on facebook. Somehow, my whole family and alot of my friends have gravitated there and we have all found it the easiest way to check up on each other, say hi, say I love you. Some how so much easier than phone calls and letters which we seem to neglect just living our daily lives.
A few day's ago someone started this new thing, each day name something you are thankful for and do it each day through Thanksgiving, and try to get everyone else to do it to. Not only do I enjoy doing it, I enjoy reading others.
As I was reading this morning it really, really struck me how much I do have to be thankful for.
Then in response to some emails, I directed some people to the first 3 posts I made when I started this blog last May rather than tell my story over and over. Then it hit me,
Wow, look how far I have come in the last 6 months.
After going through the years of financial and emotional devastation from my illness, I have done everything I am not supposed to be able to do. Just because I decided everyone else was wrong and I would find a way to regain ME.
So I want to declare my gratefullness and my thanks for all these things in my life.
Of course I am thankful for my family, my wonderful loving mom, dad, sister and brothers, Aunts and Uncles and cousins and most especially for the children and grandchildren that are are part of my life every single day. They have been there for me, supported me at my worst times, and still try to protect me and keep me in line.
I am grateful and thankful for the many friends I have made on the computer because I pushed myself to learn how to do it. I have "met" people all over the world and have been able to share things with you.
I am grateful to be stubborn enough to get my hands to work again so that I can create all these little things I put up in my shops, whether they sell or not I have been given a reason to push myself to keep working on it and showing it and wanting to make more of them and I am so truly grateful that, regardless of the physical pain to do so, I WANT to keep making things, so I am still winning over the physical side of me.
I am grateful for now being able to say that I get up and go to work everyday. I am thankful for having met Chris and Mike, the owners of Legends Cafe, for being willing to give me a chance at working again. I won't lie, it is not easy for me. I am in alot of pain when my day ends but the absolute emotional fullfilment far outway's the physical pain that I can and will deal with that pain and I win! I am thankful to have met new friends in my co-workers, most of them younger than my oldest child who have accepted me and befriended me, and put Joy in my day.
I am thankful to be able to say without reservation That I love my job.
Regardless of what I do without I can honestly that I am trying my best and I am thankful that I can honestly say that.
I am thankful for that stubborn streak that has gotten me from the mess I was just a while ago to the person I am now. It would have been so easy to allow this illness to take over and keep me in that recliner but that stubborn streak say's no , we are not having it, and guess what?
I win! I am happy, I am busy, My God and my Angels have helped me stay me and come out on top.
Is this everything? No truly not, but it is a good start and I will continue to find reasons to be thankful every morning when I wake up, get out of bed and attempt to do something.
Thank you for listening!