Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meet Amy

Yes, I am still on my family kick and today I would love you to meet my cousin Amy. I am so very proud of her. She is in the Army and has already done a tour in Iraq. She is now getting ready for her second deployment. This picture was taken during what is called predeployment training. On a romantic note for just a minute, she met her husband during her first tour in Iraq, I was able to go to her wedding and it was great!
Any way, I give her mom, my aunt, alot of credit for being strong about Amy's career choices but beleive she along with all our service people deserve a world of thank you's, I love you's and prayers for their safety while they do what many of us could not for the rest of us. Please keep Amy along with every other man and woman in the Armed forces in your prayers.

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