Monday, March 29, 2010

Another attempt

Looks like this is going to work this time. I got to thinking today while I was cleaning some old stuff out of the computer. When things get really bad and I get to the point that I am blatantly stressing and telling why I'm stressing, it's time to refocus. That's what I am doing today, just refocusing myself. I have spent years battling to keep things together and with as many problems and tough spot's I have been through, I am still here and when I look around I have so many, many things good in my life. I am so lucky to have a large family. We are all very different, we are spread to all corners of the world but the love is there and we all find a way to connect, even if one of us is having a difficult time the rest are there to pat on the back and reassure that all will be well. I have great kids and I am a very lucky person to have my grandchildren right here in my house where I can see, love, and interact with them everyday. And my two best friends who are by my side day and night with the greatest unconditional love any one could ask for. Yeah those two critters at the top of this post. That's what got me thinking this morning as I sat having my coffee my little guy alex was up on my shoulder kissing my cheek and my big girl morgan sitting right at my feet with her face on my lap , her eyes just asking for a little stroking. That's it, that's enough to make me wake up and realize what ever I do without materially, I have sooo much love in my life I can get through anything. Have a wonderful evening.


  1. Those are 2 of the cutest critters I have ever seen.


  2. Thanks PD, gotta get some new pic's of my 3rd dog and cat. They think they belong to other people in the house so don't hang out with me as much.

  3. amen to that! got to love the good things in life and try not to go crazy over the bad

  4. You're so right. sometimes you have to think about the good and forget about the bad. Hope you have a great evening
